Joseph DelGiudice

Chief of the Bureau of Investigation

Joseph DelGiudice is the 10th Chief of the Bureau of Investigation.  He was appointed to the agency’s executive position by newly elected District Attorney Michael Hestrin in January 2014. Joe has more than 25 years of law enforcement experience.

Before coming to the Bureau of Investigation, Joe began his career with the University of California Riverside Police Department. As a patrol officer, he received the Mayoral Award for “Exceptional efforts that helped save the life of a fellow officer,” when a partner Riverside Police Officer was shot and nearly killed by a parolee-at-large. As a detective sergeant, Joe was recognized as the 2003 Riverside County Investigator of the Year for his work on a complex rape investigation, which resulted in the arrest, conviction on 59 felony counts, and sentencing of the perpetrator to 57 years in State Prison.

In 2004, Joe joined the District Attorney’s Office as a Senior Investigator, where he worked various white-collar crime units, gangs, and cold-case gang homicides.  As a commander, Joe helped create and manage the countywide Gang Task Force. He later led other divisions within the Bureau, to include the Southwest Region and the Family Protection Division. Joe also served as an operator and later as the commander-in-charge of the Bureau’s Special Activities Unit, responsible for serving higher-risk search and arrest warrants, dignitary protection, and surveillance.

Joe has been involved in a wide variety of community services throughout his adult life. He served two terms as the president of a multi-county charity that provides food and rental assistance to poverty-stricken families, leading more than 200 unpaid volunteers. He has provided mentorship to local youth and has served on an elementary school advisory board since 2013.

Chief DelGiudice holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from the University of California, Riverside, and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from the California State University, San Bernardino. Joe has served as an adjunct professor at California Baptist University and Riverside Community College, teaching advanced criminal justice classes. He was also a basic academy instructor for the Riverside County Sheriff’s Academy for more than 13 years.


If you are up to the challenge and want to join the Riverside County District Attorney Bureau of Investigation.